Friday, August 12, 2011

Prayer for the Arrival of Bristol Skye

Bristol Skye, Daughter of Mark and Allyson

A prayer by the Reverend Rita Cochrane, mother of Great Uncle Jeff and Grandfather Martin, Grandmother of Mark, Aunt Lauren, and Aunt Amber, as they prepared with Allyson Magles and her family, and a host of other aunts, uncles and cousins, for the birth of Bristol Skye, daughter of Allyson and Mark, August 11, 2011.

Heavenly Father, who has known each of us before we were even born—
And will be with us throughout eternity.

This is such a special day!
Special for those of us who love Allyson and Mark
Special as we eagerly await the birth of this wonderful new life.

We ask your blessing
on the doctors, nurses, and care-givers
who use their God-given talents in the care of this family.

Loving God, Your love for us is like that of a parent,
and like a mother, You know the hard joy of giving birth.

Hold the hand of Your servant, Allyson,
Enable her to feel your presence and keep her safe;
Give strength to her body and to her soul and to her spirit—

Put Your own Spirit into her and into the new baby,
for whom we wait in awe and hope.

Keep this new life healthy and strong as the time for delivery grows near.

And Heavenly Father,
We give you thanks for this special gift of love—
We give you thanks that you cared enough to create this new life.

Now, we ask that you watch over and support these parents
and bring their child into this world safely and in good health,
so that as members of Your family we may praise and glorify You
through Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever.

In Jesus name--Amen.

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