Friday, January 21, 2011

Modern Family

I joined Robert for a special tour of Fox Studios in Century City (Los Angeles). The receptionist had us wait for our guide outside Moe's Cafe, where we could see across the lawn to where interviews were being shot with American Idol producer Nigel Lithgoe.

New York Street, Fox Studios

Our guide arrived, a security officer who said he'd been with Fox more than a decade, handling tours for VIPs and friends of studio execs. We strolled down "New York Street" and then popped into quite a few soundstage sets where the cast happened to be out on location.

Soundstage set for Modern Family, Fox Studios

Particularly fun was posing for pictures. We checked out Claire and Phil's kitchen on the set of Modern Family. If you'll look closely, the stove in the countertop there seems to be missing. I swear I didn't take it.

Soundstage set for Bones, Fox Studios

Scene with Agent Booth from Bones, Fox Studios

... and FBI Special Agent Booth's office on the set of Bones -- hope he doesn't mind my making a few calls. I slipped in while he was out on a case.

Foley Studio, Fox Studios

The Foley studio was especially interesting -- we walked on lots of different floors to try out sounds.

We later paused to admire some of the original bungalows that housed the likes of Marilyn Monroe and Shirley Temple, since maintained as offices.

Afterward we met one of Robert's pals for lunch in the Commissary, with a surprisingly nice menu -- I had a tasty sauté of white fish with risotto. Robert and his pal talked about the business, while I studied the lovely art deco era murals. Bright sunshine and temps in the high 70s, a lovely day in January!

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