Sunday, August 29, 2010

Grits and Oatmeal

Like many military and embassy employees worldwide, we get mail privileges. Good thing, too, since we can't just pop over to the Iraqi post office. Today it was like Christmas in August, everything came at once!

Now don't get me wrong -- the cafeteria here is fantastic -- especially the deserts! But there are a couple of dishes our cooks from India and Jordan don't quite get right. They do serve oatmeal, though it's a bit overcooked and soggy. And they do serve grits, but they add (horrors) sugar to it, plus it's so runny it has to be served in a bowl. Their coffee is strong, but somehow not quite the way I like it.

So I pop over for some nice Awal juice boxes and maybe some cheese from the cafeteria, which I carry back to the house. Tomorrow it's steel cut oatmeal!

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