Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I asked my driver Ala'a what best to have for lunch. When in Jordan, there's really no question.

First Lunch

This is how it looks in a restaurant, served nicely in two bowls, where you scoop sauce and meat bit by bit into the bowl of rice, very similar to how one might eat this in a West African restaurant. At home, however, it's served communally on a big platter, more like this:

Traditional Mansaf Presentation

According to Wikipedia: "The lamb is cooked in a broth made with a fermented then dried yogurt-like product called jameed, and served on a large platter with a layer of flatbread (markook or shrak) topped with rice and then meat, garnished with almonds and pine nuts, parsley and then sauce poured over all."

The meat fell off the bone, wonderfully tender. The soup was tangy from the yogurt, but also creamy with butter. There's a bit more about this dish here, prominently on a Government of Jordan website -- they take this very seriously.

My first meal in Jordan. Superb!

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