Tuesday, July 14, 2009

After Party

The Dubois Center hosted an after party to celebrate both the visit of President Obama and the life of Michael Jackson. I met friends there, including the one who'd had the ticket for the president's airport departure ceremony, and was pleased to learn that she'd really enjoyed the program. The excitement in the crowd at the airport was both palpable and infectious. From what I could see in my part of town, Accra was a pretty happy place that evening.

We grabbed beer and grilled sausages and took our seats just as the first musicians got rolling. There would be a dozen different groups that evening, each offering one or two special songs or dances of tribute, all members of a local performing artists association. The crowd was small at first, but filled all the chairs by the end of the evening.

My driver came along for the party, in case I decided to drink too much, and he quickly got in on the act. Everyone was in pretty good spirits, and the performers didn't have to work hard to get people on their feet.

It was a bit risky sitting in the front row, easy targets.

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