Friday, May 09, 2008

Movie Night

Spouses have a pretty tough time in overseas service. It's rare for both to have good jobs. One usually follows when the other gets a job assignment. Once they arrive, local laws often limit the employability of the "trailing" spouse.

One friend has been trying lots of new ideas. His wife is a professional with a local aid agency. He's a computer guru, and is developing contacts with all the major computer and communications technology companies -- there's currently a boom in such things in Ghana.

He recently brought in some phenomenal video projection technology -- Blue Ray, speakers, the works. Now we have movie night -- a great feature downloaded from Netflix or some other such service, plus short films and commercials, delivered in the comfort of his living room, complete with popcorn and beer. Next week he's combining a wine tasting contest with a viewing of the film "Sideways".

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