Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cup of African Nations

A great tarpaulin covered the pitch as fans entered the stadium around 2pm. Organizers had warned that the gates would be closed at 2:30 so that the opening ceremonies could begin on time at 3pm.

Loud music blared from banks of speakers. Suddenly a helicopter approached, dangling a tremendous flag of Ghana by a wire underneath. The crowd erupted with wild jubilation.

Drummers marched onto the pitch to begin the cermony ...

... joined by acrobats and dancers ...

... then troops of singers clad in traditional costumes from the four corners of Ghana ...

... in spectacular formations each greeted with tremendous applause and fireworks.

Then the tarpaulin was removed, the President welcomed the players, and the games began.

The stadium was truly spectacular. Comfortable chairs in a brisk harmattan breeze. Jumbotron at one end for announcements and scores. Covered seating for VIPs.

Ghana wins its opening match against Guinea, 2 to 1!!

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