Monday, January 15, 2007

Goat Stew

Harmattan winds are strong this year, causing the giant Kakum Forest trees to sway, sometimes in the same direction, sometimes not. As two trees happen to sway away from each other, the canopy walk strung between them is pulled taut, the center rising like a fast elevator to its highest point, only to reverse direction suddenly as the trees reverse course and come together again. For the strong of heart, it's unexpectedly exhilerating.

It's kind of a standard tour in Ghana, particularly for those visiting just for a few days. Canopy walk, then the castles, a beach or two. Standard because it's good. The Cape Coast Castle has a fine museum, and the docents do superb tours.

Brother and I stopped off at the Aburi Botanical Gardens on the way home, checking out the canteen for some local cuisine. If you're a fan of Louisiana cooking, you'll feel right at home in Ghana.

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